Good Catch Safety Program


Good Catch is a program dedicated to fostering a safe workplace environment. The Good Catch Safety Program is our initiative aimed at acknowledging employees who show a commitment to safety by identifying and reporting workplace hazards. Whether it's noticing a potential tripping hazard, spotting faulty equipment, or suggesting safety protocol improvements, we want to commend those who take proactive steps to prevent accidents and injuries.

Materials Delivered

In the campaign execution, I assumed the roles of creative strategist, art director, and designer. Starting with brainstorming sessions to engage employees, I crafted a mind map to generate and refine ideas.

The concept of "Safety Spotlight" cards emerged, featuring a collection of 12 safety cards distributed one card a monthly, each highlighting a unique safety focus to enhance workplace safety measures.

After collaborating with the Health and Safety team, the idea got more and more creative and we came up with the idea of these cards could be an interactive way of employees nominating other employees.




Orange County Transportation Authority

The process of this was very simple, the cards dimensions of these cards are 3.5x5.5 they are a little bigger than playing cards, they are inspired by collectable sports cards but instead of sports players, it is highlighting a safety spotlight. The front of the card is meant to highlight the safety hazard from happening and on the back it a written communication that explains the hazard and how it could be prevented from happening.


Arabic Typeface + Book